Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 375: More-igami

This little origami box turned out better than yesterday's.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 374: Origami Improv

Today I tried to make a neat little origami box, but I think the cardstock I used was too heavy to handle all the folds. Here's what it should've ended up like:

Mine didn't quite get that far, so I decided it's a bowl instead of a box.

The underside looks good at least.

And mine's in color, unlike the one in the picture.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 373: All Kinds of Crazy Web Page Making

Today I have more web pages to share. I made these for my web design class, and they meet all kinds of crazy requirements.

This page has been created using multiple style sheets so it can be resized all the way down to a mobile phone browser. Try it on your phone and see! Or just squish your browser down to phone size. It's only the one page, so none of the links across the top actually go anywhere.

This page was done using HTML5, and it won't look right to you unless you use the Chrome browser (which is awesome and I use it all the time anyway so you should too), because those other browsers are uncool and far behind the times. It also has a super-duper video that you'll miss out if you don't get with the Chrome program. Chromegram?

I'm running out of themes for my sample web pages. I've used martial arts, crafting, my favorite authors, and cheetahs. I guess I can still rely on sushi, bartending, and cheese.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 372: Poppies Will Make Them Sleep

Today I baked again. I was home sick, and mentally taxing pursuits weren't working out so well, so I decided to throw some stuff in a bowl, mix it up, and bake it in my never-before-used muffin tin.

I made almond poppyseed muffins, because that's the best kind of muffin. Here's the stuff mixed in a bowl:

And here's my muffin tin ready to go:

And here's the fresh deliciousness right out of the oven:

I ate two immediately, and then I took a nap. I can't say if it was the poppies that made me sleep or the vicious cold, but the flying monkeys tell me it was the former.

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 371: Fancy Origami Box

Today I made a new origami box that shows off both sides of 2-sided paper.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 370: Giraffigami

Today I made an origami giraffe using paper and instructions I got yesterday at Daiso, one of the best stores ever.

He's so adorable, with his tiny tail and perky ears and triangular legs.

I also bought Happy! Lovely! Socks and a Frog*Note. Everything $1.50 each!

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 369: Sushi

Today I sketched a sushi costume for myself. Not yet sure if it's do-able.

I can't draw faces. Or hands. Or legs. Or really any human parts.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 268: No Pudge Fudge

Today I baked!

Fat-free brownies made by mixing the mix with fat-free vanilla yogurt. Gooey and yummy.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 267: Connected at Last

Today I finally brought my entertainment system into the 90s. It's now hooked up through some switcher thing so I can flip back and forth between DVD and Wii.

Here's a DVD:

And mere seconds later, here's Wii:

Now I just have to charge up the Wiimotes, then I can figure out how to hook up the Netflix streaming thing.

Charge, bunny, charge!

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Day 266: CSS is the Devil

It's midnight. I'm sick, and I've been working on my web design assignment since I got home from work. This CSS stuff is really starting to get on my nerves. I appreciate its versatility and all that crap, but it's too complicated for my tiny, sleep-deprived, overtaxed, diseased, frustrated brain. I'd appreciate it a lot more if I had a week to learn each feature, instead of two weeks to learn the whole shebang.

Here's a preliminary version of my creation for this week's assignment. I'll clean it up when I'm thinking a little more clearly tomorrow. Very odd requirements for this one, including text explaining all the features I've included. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 265: Three Good Things

Today I made a delicious dinner. I baked a giant potato, smashed it, and piled ham and Brie on it.

It might not look appetizing in the photo, but it ranks pretty high on the yum-o-meter. Probably on the cholesterol-o-meter too.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 264: Rigatoni Palace

Today, I used an iPhone app to draw my dinner at the Spaghetti Factory while I waited for it to be served.

Sourdough bread, iced tea, salad, broccoli, and spaghetti with half meat sauce and half browned butter myzithra.

Sadly, the broccoli never arrived, but the rest was delicious.

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 263: Flash Cards

Today I made little flashcards for the first few weeks of Spanish.

I started making digital flashcards on my iPhone, but typing in all the special characters was getting really annoying, so it's analog for me.

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 262: Long Day

I'm exhausted, my eyelids are made of lead, and my arms are riddled with bruises, so today's make is a list.

What I Did In the JKD Evaluation Today

Step and slide
Quarter turn left and right
Cover to the rear
Open, closed, and lateral triangle
Slide and step
Straight kicks
Round kicks
Side kicks
Stop kicks
Pak Sao da
Lop Sao da
Pak Sao qua choi
Jao Sao to jut sao
Chain punching
Jab and cross
Elbow strikes
Hit and cover
Vertical punch cycle
Put on, take off
Pak Sao cycle
Swinging gate
Vertical destruction
Horizontal gunting
Backhand gunting
Open 4
Closed 4
Heaven 6
Standard 6
Earth 6
Defend against knife angle 1 icepick
Defend against knife angle 5 with low left block
Angles 1-5 and 15
Defend against angles 1-5 and 15
Abaniko hourglass
Follow-ups: angle 1, angle 2, figure x, and horizontal
Uno dos tres
Fed for tappe drill
Horse stance.

It was a busy day.

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 261: Kitty Cat Color

This was a long week. After a 2-hour deep tissue massage that left me whimpering, I'm coloring, watching Thor, and drinking a beer.

It's a good way to prepare for tomorrow's JKD test, I think.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 260: Lemon Zinger

My latest drinksperiment is Lemonhead candy infused vodka.

I ran out of pretty bottles, so the finished vodka is just in a jar. Boo.

It tastes like liquid lemonheads, which I guess is the point. Tart and syrupy sweet. Almost like lemon Pledge, but less chemically.

I think it would make a delightful lemon drop martini. Maybe mix it with Sprite or cranberry juice?

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 258: Doodle Meeting

What do you get when you put a Melleny in a meeting room with 10 other people discussing things that have absolutely nothing to do with me? You get a little make.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 257: CSS ASAP, FYI

Today, I was going to make something creative, but instead I spent all my brain power on two small web pages for grad school. This time, I had to learn CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and use it to format tables, images, text, cursers, etc.

As you view these pages, please keep in mind that they were done as an assignment with specific requirements. They don't really represent anything I'd actually put out there on the internet of my own accord, but they get the job done. And there's a cool picture of Bruce Lee, too.

Page A
Page B

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 256: Pak Sao Bok Choy

I love Bok Choy, and I finally got brave enough to make it at home.

Muy delicioso. It was braised in a sauce of toasted sesame oil, soy sauce, and a few other things.

I could eat this every day.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 255: Red Vineka

Today I sipped my lasted vodka infusion: Red Vines Vodka.

It was definitely red-viney, but strong. I haven't thought up something to mix it with yet. Any ideas?

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Day 254: BeyBattles

Today's make is a day late in the posting because I didn't have the technology available to post it until today. Here's an animated GIF of Mat playing with the BeyBlade battle arena thing with Keagin and Kaidin.

Those kids are a hoot.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 253: Water Water Everywhere

Today I played with a silly iPhone app that lets me drown my photos.

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 252: In Stitches

Today I finished a hand-stitching project of a little cupcake with a loop. I guess it's supposed to be an ornament or tag or something.

It's from a kit, and it took a ridiculously long time. Lots of stitches on that sucker.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 251: Stewpendous

Today I dusted off the crockpot and made beef stew. That might seem like an odd thing to cook when it's 80 degrees out, but the mouth wants what the mouth wants.

Here's the pot all loaded up and starting to cook. I didn't use a recipe, even though I have about 15 books of slow cooker recipes checked out from the library right now. Instead, I threw in some stew meat, carrots, celery, onion, garlic cloves, mushrooms, tomato juice, red wine, beef bouillon, chicken broth, canned diced tomatoes, Bakon vodka, seasonings, salt, and pepper. I think that's all. I was going to add potatoes but I ran out of room. Maybe I'll make some mashed potatoes to go with it next time I eat some.

But for now, I have to hurry off to JKD soon, so I just had a little bowl of yummy stew. Tomorrow I will have the whole meat and potatoes feast.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 250: One Week to Learn XHTML

You might see this as cheating, but I see it as being efficient. While it's always good to kill as many birds as possible any way you can, everyone knows that the preferred method is killing two birds with one stone. Literally and figuratively.

My make for today is a basic web page I had to make for one of my classes. Keep in mind that this page had to meet certain requirements, and I was limited in what I could include. Also, I had to do it totally from scratch, using real tags and stuff, without any fancy web editor.

View the glorious page here.

Just wait until next week, when I have to learn XML and Cascading Style Sheets and my head will explode.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 249: Pip Pip Cheerios

What do you get when a bee and a squirrel walk into a British pub and ask for s'mores, but the barkeep doesn't have any chocolate or graham crackers? You get a tasty treat, obviously.

Yes, you are looking at Rice Krispy treats, only made with Honey Nut Cheerios instead of Rice Krispies. (Do you get the overwrought intro now?)

Yes, they are delicious. And yes, they are sitting on my Better with Bacon plate. And they probably would be, but I don't have any bacon right now.

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 248: Some Mildly Humorous Photos

Today I put together some slightly funny pictures I've found on the internet. I'm in a bad mood, so they don't really seem as funny to me right now as they did when I plucked them from their rightful owners, but maybe one will bring a smile to you.

Day 247: Pub Crawl

Here's a photo album of yesterday's Everett Mall Way pub crawl with Mat.

1. Qdoba

2. La Hacienda

3. Applebees. Forgot to take a picture, but the drinks there were lame anyway.

4. Famous Dave's

5. Bob's Burgers and Brew

There were more drinks after that, but I lost interest in photography.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 246: Ascii Me

Today I discovered a nifty little Ascii art generator online. Here are just a few of the billions of variations available: Try it for yourself.


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Tinker Toy:

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P.S. Weird little spaces have appeared in random places when I view the blog entry, but it all looks correct in the typing pane. I could probably figure out what's wrong and fix it, but I don't care that much. It's been a long week.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 245: Double Elimination Depp

Tonight, I took a break from the mountains of homework to watch The Tourist, starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. I wasn't expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't great, but it had excellent eye candy and some funny bits. Anyway, it inspired me to do another of those tournament bracket things like I did once a million years ago. I found a template online for a double elimination tournament, so I picked 12 Johnny Depp movies I could remember watching and let my guts do the choosing. It got a little weird at the end with the double elimination thing, since my opinions didn't change so much in the time it took me to type out all the winners and losers, but it worked well enough.

(Click image to enlarge.)

I could stay up all night writing out my reasoning for each decision, but that's just a waste of everyone's time. It's much more entertaining for you to think I've lost my mind for picking Sleepy Hollow over Edward Scissorhands.

Maybe some day I'll use these tournament brackety things for something a bit more consequential than movies. Well, wish in one hand...