Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 31: An iPhone Art Sampler

I use the term Art very loosely here. I have many iPhone apps that I rarely or never use, and a lot of them are intended to enable the delusion that I can draw. So I made some stuff.

I think I'm ready for MOMA.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 30: My Whole Life in a Google Calendar

Today's project won't interest you in the least, but that's because I did it for me. I put my whole life (or at least my whole semester) on Google Calendar.

All my assignments, readings, and other due dates for school are on there. Library shifts. Leading Edge schedule. Birthdays. Holidays. Personal stuff. It's all on there. Its color-coded, sortable, and searchable. And it syncs with my iPhone, so I will always know what I should be doing. Now I just have to actually do it.

In case you're wondering, I've given up on a paper planner. It just doesn't work for me right now, and this seems to, based on my pilot study over the last week.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 29: Tournament of Dreamboats

Today's project took longer than expected. First I had to make up the bracketology tournament graphic thingies, and then I had to decide what to put in the slots. I decided to pick four of my favorite dreamy actors for the four 'regionals.' In case you've been living under a rock, the top left corner is Brad Pitt, bottom left is Christian Bale, top right is Johnny Depp, and bottom right is Bruce Willis (not so much dreamy, per se, but I adore him). Deciding was harder than I thought it would be. Limiting each actor to just 8 movies was hard enough. Then, each time I left a movie behind, I felt like a tiny little part of me was dying.

I had many criteria for my decisions, including how much I enjoyed the movie overall, how much I enjoyed the particular character, how much that character added to the awesomeness of the movie, how much I like re-watching the movie, how quotable the character is, and my gut feeling. I could write paragraphs on my reasonings, but I don't think that's necessary. And I'm too lazy. (click on images to see 'em bigger)

I'd be interested to see what outcome you get using my same starting points. I'll even include a form for you to use, if you're into that sort of thing.

Since I went to the trouble of building this whole tournament grid, I imagine I'll be having more of these little face-offs in the future.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 28: BuckyBall Sculptures

Today I played with these infuriatingly addictive tiny magnetic devils long enough to make a stunning pendant necklace and a möbius strip.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 27: Not Quite 30 Cats

I have a book of drawing exercises, and I flipped it open to an exercise that wanted me to sketch 30 cats in different styles while lying in bed, using card stock and a fine tipped marker.

As you may have noticed, I didn't quite make it to 30. I got bored of sketching cats, and when I ran out of room I decided I'd had enough. Maybe if I actually knew how to draw, this would've been more fun.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 26: Less Fascinating Psychological Conditions I Do Have

And today you get the companion to yesterday's post.

Mental problems are all on a continuum, and none of these are at full-blown medication/asylum-worthy levels in me, but they all do have an effect on how i live my life.

Again, I'll limit myself to the top ten.

1. Asymmetriphobia: the fear of asymmetry. I'm mostly concerned about my body being asymmetrical. My ears need to match. My shoes need to tied to the same tightness. And when I was little, I had to take the same number of steps on each foot. Don't ask. I also like ideas and images to be balanced, although not necessarily symmetrical.

2. Avoidant Personality Disorder: characterized by social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy (especially in social situations), and extreme sensitivity to criticism. Yep, that's me. I never learned the art of small talk, and I hate it. It takes forever for me to be myself around new people, because I fear their rejection. And I take every negative comment deeply to heart.

3. Bibliomania: excessive devotion to books and reading. I love everything about books. How they smell. How they come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors. How they contain stories and ideas and knowledge and possibility. And how reading is the only form of entertainment that requires education. That makes it active, not passive. Book stores and libraries are magical places to me, because they're so full of Everything.

4. Bruxomania: compulsive teeth-grinding. I have been known to wake people up with the symphony of my grinding teeth. It's definitely related to my stress level.

5. Claustrophobia: fear of enclosed spaces. I'm not afraid of elevators of anything like that. I'm talking very tight spaces, like coffins and mosh pits. Almost lost it at a Marilyn Manson concert.

6. Cremnophobia: fear of cliffs and precipices. I love heights and find them exhilarating, as long as there's a railing. No railing and in far far away from the edge. This might have something to do with my clumsiness and complete lack of balance.

7. Glazomania: obsessive list-making. Duh. I make lists of all the lists I want to make. I could do a 365 project entirely of lists. Lists make the universe orderly and comforting.

8. Infomania: excessive devotion to accumulating facts. I shovel facts into my brain (and computer) like a fat kid at a pie-eating contest. I also feel compelled to sort, organize, and categorize all the info I collect.

9. Pediophobia: fear of dolls. For me, it's only the realistic ones. Baby dolls with staring eyes and wrinkly necks. Chucky didn't help in this area.

10. Phaneromania: compulsive nail-biting. Not much to say about this one. I've been a nail-biter for as long as I can remember. At least I don't go so far as to shred my fingers like some people I know.

Now that it's all written out, i can see why library science is so appealing to me.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 25: Ten Fascinating Psychological Conditions I Don't Have

I spend a lot of time thinking about all the mental problems I have, but I take heart in the fact that I don't have any of these much more rare and strange and sometimes horrible conditions (although #10 would be cool).
  1. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: a perception that objects are the wrong size or otherwise distorted (Wikipedia entry)
  2. Apotemnophilia: a strong and specific desire to amputate one’s own healthy limb(s)  (Wikipedia entry)
  3. Capgras Syndrome: a delusion that a close friend or family member has been replaced by an imposter (Wikipedia entry)
  4. Cotard’s Syndrome: a delusion that one is dead or does not exist (Wikipedia entry)
  5. Fregoli Syndrome: a delusion that different people are actually the same person wearing elaborate disguises (Wikipedia entry
  6. Jumping Frenchmen of Maine: an abnormally pronounced startle reaction to sudden stimuli accompanied by a compulsion to do anything that is commanded in a sharp and decisive tone (Wikipedia entry)
  7. Koro: an overwhelming belief and fear that one’s external genitalia are retracting, shrinking, or about to disappear (Wikipedia entry)
  8. Pica: a compulsion to eat non-nutritive or otherwise inappropriate substances (Wikipedia entry)
  9. Prosopagnosia: an inability to recognize faces, even of close friends and relatives (Wikipedia entry)
  10. Synesthesia: a perception of crossing or connected sensory pathways (smelling colors, hearing textures, etc.) (Wikipedia entry)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 24: Left Handed Sketches

I have a drawing book, and one of the exercises involves sketching a face in ink with my non-dominant hand. Here's what my hand did, mostly without my bidding or permission:

It was frustrating and fun at the same time. I'd like to do more of these and see what happens.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23: Doodling in Color

Here's a new doodle based on a question mark. This time, I added color and even a little shading - fancy!) with colored pencils.

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 22: A List of Names

I've been in a car a lot yesterday and today, driving down to Oregon and back, and I'm tired and going to post the thing I "made" while sitting in the back seat on the long drive.

It's a list of names that would be unfortunate or funny. It's by no means a complete list. Mat started such a list a long time ago (appropriately called Liz Tahnaimz), and I contributed many names to that list. This list, however, which I'm going to copy/paste right here, consists of brand new ones, as far as I can tell. (FYI, my favorite contribution to Mat's list was Sandy Mashighschoolfootballrules. I also liked Mat Schpitatos. And my all-time favorite invention of Mat's was Bob Frapples.)

So here's my list I came up with yesterday and today on the drive (in alphabetical order by first name):

  1. Adam Baum
  2. Al Bertsons
  3. Al Derwood
  4. Al Kaseltzer
  5. Alby Kerky
  6. Aldo Anything
  7. Allison Wonderland
  8. Ally Luyah
  9. Alma Baserbelongtoyu
  10. Amanda Berekkendwith
  11. Ann Atomy
  12. Anne Droid
  13. Tara Blizzard
  14. Eve Ho
  15. Luke Out
  16. Al Armist
  17. Lois Commondenominator
  18. Gene Yuss
  19. Archie Pellago
  20. Francis Stinky
  21. Howard Eyenoe
  22. Wendy City
  23. Miles Away
  24. Ira Fuse
  25. Andy Gravity
  26. Annie Buddyhome
  27. Art Tistik
  28. Arthur Ian
  29. Audrey Ply
  30. Bea Chess
  31. Bea Finchedder
  32. Bea O’Problem
  33. Bea Verzenduks
  34. Beau Narrow
  35. Bella Kose
  36. Ben Chess
  37. Bernie Tall
  38. Bernie Talldown
  39. Bess Mann
  40. Bess Twishes
  41. Billy O’Naire
  42. Boyd Zenberry
  43. Bree Zee
  44. Bree Zway
  45. Bud Jett
  46. Cal Igula
  47. Carly Cue
  48. Casey Rahserah
  49. Cass Elvania
  50. Cass Lanthrax
  51. Chris Koe
  52. Ann Thrax
  53. Chris Peacream
  54. Clara Nett
  55. Clara Tinkleer
  56. Clora Form
  57. Colby Cheese
  58. Colin Sick
  59. Dan Sinqueen
  60. Dana Dah
  61. Dean Nile
  62. Dee Tektiv
  63. Deedee Tee
  64. Dell Toyds
  65. Di Agnally
  66. Dick Burns
  67. Doc Turpepper
  68. Don Tay
  69. Don Taysinferno
  70. Dot Sun
  71. Drake O’Litch
  72. Drake O’Malfoy
  73. Drake Onnik
  74. Drew Blood
  75. Emme Bussy
  76. Eve Lempire
  77. Farrah Moanes
  78. Fay Deralles
  79. Fay Kitt
  80. Fay Muss
  81. Fay Slift
  82. Flo Wrist
  83. Gia Piesse
  84. Gill Tee
  85. Gladys Eeya
  86. Glen Dathegoodwitch
  87. Glen Dathewitchofthenorth
  88. Grant Ryder
  89. Grant Wishes
  90. Gus Tatorial
  91. Gwen Inbawet
  92. Hammond Deggs
  93. Hannah Kuh
  94. Hans Ollo
  95. Hans Zupp
  96. Harvey Park
  97. Hedda Steem
  98. Heidi Ho
  99. Herb Avore
  100. Hugh Aryew
  101. Ike Unkur
  102. Ike Witt
  103. Ima Nexpert
  104. Izzy Cumming
  105. Jacob Sladder
  106. Jacqueline Hyde
  107. Monty Zuma
  108. Armand Hammer
  109. Alec Trissety
  110. Ivan Eddake
  111. Noah Vayle
  112. Maura Demerrier
  113. Ethel Alcohol
  114. Marshall Law
  115. Jaime Likmanoover
  116. Jan Baree
  117. Jeff Urson
  118. Jim Ernsheperd
  119. Jim Nastiks
  120. Jim Panzee
  121. Joe Kerr
  122. Vic Tree
  123. Ben Evolent
  124. Sven Golly
  125. Sue Prise
  126. John Teehat
  127. Julie Ardacademy
  128. Kareem O’Wheat
  129. Kay Efsee
  130. Kay Jeebee
  131. Kay O’Pectate
  132. Ken Dahl
  133. Ken Fusion
  134. Keri Deway
  135. Kurt Reply
  136. Lacy Draws
  137. Lauren Order
  138. Rufus Onfyre
  139. Anna Konda
  140. Anna Log
  141. Emme Morel
  142. Al Fresco
  143. Sy Kling
  144. Adam Up
  145. Al Dentay
  146. Lee Penlizzerds
  147. Liz Onya
  148. Lou Esianna
  149. Lou Nuraklips
  150. Lou Pine
  151. Lou Slee
  152. Lou Sleefpaper
  153. Mable Syrup
  154. Mandy Ngo
  155. Mara Tyme
  156. Marion Haste
  157. Marry Ott
  158. Marsha Larts
  159. Mary Kesh
  160. May Benott
  161. May Ditation
  162. Maya Nempire
  163. Oliver Sudden
  164. Rhoda Camel
  165. Ella Funt
  166. Maya O’Mye
  167. Meg Abight
  168. Mel Function
  169. Mel O’Dramma
  170. Mike Rokozem
  171. Miles Togow
  172. Milly O’Naire
  173. Minnie Blinds
  174. Mitch Egan
  175. Moe Billome
  176. Moe Telsix
  177. Moe Terrome
  178. Ally Gator
  179. Ally Mony
  180. Allan Sundry
  181. Chris Tall
  182. Mongo Leingrill
  183. Murphy Slaw
  184. Doris Openkommin
  185. Hugo First
  186. Ann Chovy
  187. Noah Zark
  188. Nora Easter
  189. Nora Lenderbee
  190. Oliver Klozoff
  191. Orson Buggy
  192. Paul Ittikel
  193. Paula See
  194. Penny Sillen
  195. Perry Stroika
  196. Peter Abbott
  197. Phil Ingstashen
  198. Polly Scarr
  199. Preston Ironed
  200. Ray Neer
  201. Rhea Lax
  202. Rocco Gibraltar
  203. Rosie Cheeks
  204. Rudy Daye
  205. Russell Ingleaves
  206. Sal Vayshen
  207. Saul Tenbattery
  208. Scott Linyard
  209. Shay Kaleg
  210. Shay Plee
  211. Shay Vrolay
  212. Shay Vron
  213. Sir Osis of Liver =)
  214. Kermit O’Krime
  215. Igor Beaver
  216. Frieda Prisoner
  217. Stan Dandeliver
  218. Stan Dupp
  219. Stefi Scope
  220. Sue Nommy
  221. Bab Boone
  222. Xavier Breth
  223. Ann Tagonize
  224. Ann Eljesik
  225. Sven Teesixtrombones
  226. Sy Kosis
  227. Sy Kottik
  228. Tara Bull
  229. Tara Nasorisrex
  230. Thor Zammer
  231. Tia Rex
  232. Ivan Alibi
  233. Hugh Jass
  234. Wayne Dwops
  235. Mary Christmas
  236. Jack Benimbel
  237. Shirley Yujest
  238. Tina Jer
  239. Tina Jwasteland
  240. Tom O’Hawke
  241. Tommy Ayke
  242. Trina Dadd
  243. Van Coover
  244. Vin Trickle
  245. Walter Wallcarpeting
  246. Wendy Meer
  247. Wes Coast
  248. Wes Seattlebridge
  249. William Akit
  250. Wilma Moneylast
  251. Winnie Bago
  252. Yuri Tardid

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 21: Balcony Scene Wordle

Today I only had a few minutes between work and road trip, so I made a word cloud on

It consists of all the words in the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet (Act II, Scene ii).

For some reason, it won't let me save the picture itself, so here's a link to it:
My Wordle

Update: Mat did a fancy screen grabby thing, so here's a pic:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20: ABCs of Buttony Awesomeness

For some reason, ABC lists make me happy. So here's an ABC list of various buttons I've designed. These aren't necessarily my favorites (and they're not necessarily not my favorites). They're just the ones that came to mind for each letter.

A is for Advertising
Advertising helps
B is for Body
Body by Xbox
C is for Cost
Cost of living
D is for Dirty
Like it dirty
E is for Emo
Emo kid
F is for Fresh
Fresh squeezed
G is for Give
Give me ambiguity
H is for Health
Health is merely
I is for Ignorance
ignorance is bliss
J is for Judging
Judging & diagnosing
K is for Kids
I like kids
L is for Leaky
Bad analogy
M is for Men
Men like coffee
N is for Nerds
Nerds 4 Ever
O is for Oxymoron
P is for Pitbull
Pitbull riddle
Q is for Quiet
Quiet neighbor
R is for Red
Fuzzy green meat
S is for Sitting
Potential sitting around
T is for Tunnel
Tunnel light
U is for Ugly
Weird & ugly
V is for Verb
So adjective
W is for Wise
Smart man
X is for X-ray
Xray vision
Y is for Yourself
Be yourself
Z is for priZe (yeah yeah, shut up)
nobel peace prize

Oh, and you can see all my button designs on my website.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 19: Pop Art Melleny

Wednesdays are turning into Let's See What I Can Make With My iPhone days. Today I took a picture of myself and made it into pop art using tools on my iPhone.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18: Gay Keychain on Zazzle

The newest addition to my Zazzle store.

I hope you like it. And if you don't, you probably need to lighten up. =)

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17: Movie Duets and Trios

So it's a weird thing I've made today. It's a list. I like lists. A lot. Specifically, it's a list of movie quotes that are only two or three words long. It all started with Mat's quest to compile a list of single-word movie quotes, so it's not an original idea, but it did keep my brain active all day. I'm not yet going to post the movies they came from, in case you'd like to test your knowledge of obscure movie trivia. I'm also just spelling them straight on - not how they may have been pronounced in the movies.

2-Word Movie Quotes

  1. Oh, behave.
  2. Ah, Venice.
  3. Here's Johnny!
  4. Feed me!
  5. Oil can.
  6. To blave.
  7. Bootstraps' bootstraps.
  8. No capes!
  9. Hello, Clarice.
  10. Dodge this.
  11. My precious.
  12. Bad date.
  13. As if!
  14. The horror!
  15. K-mart sucks.
  16. Oh fudge.
  17. Food fight!
  18. What knockers.
  19. They're here. 
  20. Who's scruffy-looking?
  21. Zuzu's petals!
  22. Hakuna matata.
  23. Noisy cricket.
  24. Assimilate this. 
  25. Holy schnikeys!
  26. And then...
  27. Great Scott!
  28. I'm Batman.
  29. Toto too?
  30. It's alive!
  31. Yeah, baby!
  32. Run away!
  33. You  betcha.
  34. No ticket. 
  35. Green flames!
  36. No disintegrations.
  37. What hump?
  38. Double tap.
  39. For Frodo.
  40. Yo, Adrian!
  41. Stuttering Stanley!
  42. Zee Germans?
  43. Kaizer Soze.
  44. Abby normal.
  45. I'm melting!
  46. Somebody's closer.
  47. Do it.
  48. Hey, Boo.
  49. Save Ferris.
  50. Lactose intolerance!
  51. Shi**er's full.
  52. Screw you!
  53. Hello, poppet.
  54. Hey, Stella!
  55. We die.
  56. Be good.

3-Word Movie Quotes

  1. I'll be back.
  2. ET phone home.
  3. None shall pass.
  4. Oil can what?
  5. What's mine say?
  6. Quid pro quo.
  7. Bah ram ewe.
  8. One million dollars.
  9. Good talk, Russ.
  10. Zed's dead, baby.
  11. You complete me.
  12. Sweep the leg.
  13. Bond. James Bond.
  14. Leelu Dallas Multipass.
  15. Game over, man.
  16. You're using coconuts!
  17. What a douche.
  18. I am invincible!
  19. I speak Jive.
  20. Time to die.
  21. Three orange whips.
  22. Those aren't pillows.
  23. No and then!
  24. Surf's up, pal.
  25. I'm in insurance.
  26. It's too perilous.
  27. It's a trap.
  28. I'm crackin' skulls.
  29. Royale with cheese.
  30. Run, Forrest, run!
  31. You got Asteroids?
  32. Party on, dudes.
  33. Kneel before Zod.
  34. Head! Pants! Now!
  35. I'm sorry, Dave.
  36. We're the Pinheads.
  37. I feel happy!
  38. Not to 50!
  39. I got better.
  40. You like dogs?
  41. Big bada boom.
  42. Good morning, Vietnam!
  43. Look sir...droids.
  44. We rob banks.
  45. No wire hangers!
  46. Shaken, not stirred.
  47. Too many notes.
  48. Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma!
  49. Klaatu barada nikto.
  50. One ping only.
  51. Big Ben! Parliament!
  52. Resistance is futile.
  53. As you wish.
  54. Words, words, words.
  55. It's a sweater!
  56. You're a loony.

If you have more, I'd love to add them to my list. I know I could find more, but I have to stop at some point (for now), since the day's almost over. Of course, now I want to collect 4-words movie quotes.

Disclaimers: (1) Some of these have been donated by Mat. (2) These quotes are based on memory, not actually sitting down and watching the movies again, so some may be misremembered. (2) I tried to include only quotes that I thought could stand on their own and be fairly unique and recognizable by someone familiar with the movies, at least if they're spoken in the proper way. =)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 16: Short Attention Span Girls

Today I made two little toys custom designed by the irrepressible Mat.

Drinking, reading, stabbing, and hitting - A few of my favorite things.

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 15: M is for Much Better Doodle

These are really fun to make, and you should prepare to see at least 25 more this year.

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14: Some Kind of Doodle Thing

No, I don't know what it is, but it was fun and engrossing and relaxing while I did it.

It's just doodling. I used a few different black pens on 1/4 of a sheet of white card stock. I intentionally didn't draw anything that was supposed to be something (like watermelon wedges or narwhals).

I kind of want to try something in color, but the black and white appeals to me too.

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12: iPhone Tracing Paper

I have this funny little iPhone app that let's me trace images. It's very rudimentary, and my big old finger isn't the most precise tool, but it's fun.

These are a few of my tracings from pics I happen to have on my iPhone.

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