Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 26: Less Fascinating Psychological Conditions I Do Have

And today you get the companion to yesterday's post.

Mental problems are all on a continuum, and none of these are at full-blown medication/asylum-worthy levels in me, but they all do have an effect on how i live my life.

Again, I'll limit myself to the top ten.

1. Asymmetriphobia: the fear of asymmetry. I'm mostly concerned about my body being asymmetrical. My ears need to match. My shoes need to tied to the same tightness. And when I was little, I had to take the same number of steps on each foot. Don't ask. I also like ideas and images to be balanced, although not necessarily symmetrical.

2. Avoidant Personality Disorder: characterized by social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy (especially in social situations), and extreme sensitivity to criticism. Yep, that's me. I never learned the art of small talk, and I hate it. It takes forever for me to be myself around new people, because I fear their rejection. And I take every negative comment deeply to heart.

3. Bibliomania: excessive devotion to books and reading. I love everything about books. How they smell. How they come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors. How they contain stories and ideas and knowledge and possibility. And how reading is the only form of entertainment that requires education. That makes it active, not passive. Book stores and libraries are magical places to me, because they're so full of Everything.

4. Bruxomania: compulsive teeth-grinding. I have been known to wake people up with the symphony of my grinding teeth. It's definitely related to my stress level.

5. Claustrophobia: fear of enclosed spaces. I'm not afraid of elevators of anything like that. I'm talking very tight spaces, like coffins and mosh pits. Almost lost it at a Marilyn Manson concert.

6. Cremnophobia: fear of cliffs and precipices. I love heights and find them exhilarating, as long as there's a railing. No railing and in far far away from the edge. This might have something to do with my clumsiness and complete lack of balance.

7. Glazomania: obsessive list-making. Duh. I make lists of all the lists I want to make. I could do a 365 project entirely of lists. Lists make the universe orderly and comforting.

8. Infomania: excessive devotion to accumulating facts. I shovel facts into my brain (and computer) like a fat kid at a pie-eating contest. I also feel compelled to sort, organize, and categorize all the info I collect.

9. Pediophobia: fear of dolls. For me, it's only the realistic ones. Baby dolls with staring eyes and wrinkly necks. Chucky didn't help in this area.

10. Phaneromania: compulsive nail-biting. Not much to say about this one. I've been a nail-biter for as long as I can remember. At least I don't go so far as to shred my fingers like some people I know.

Now that it's all written out, i can see why library science is so appealing to me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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