This is my desk. My computer has two monitors. Fancy! I work in one corner of the big Receiving room. Three very nice ladies are in the other three corners of the room. Big stacks of boxes (filled with BOOKS!) are in the center of the room.

Here's the contraption I use to tape the spines of magazines. I've been told I'm very good at it. I can probably thank the thousand times I've moved, and the thousand boxes I've taped up each time. And my lovably anal retentive personality.

Here's a pile of Christian Bale waiting for me to sort and drool on.

And here's a similar pile of Johnny Depp. It was a good day of unpacking today.

Here's a rubber band ball I started making yesterday. We go through a LOT of rubber bands. Everyone else just throws them away, but I decided to save them.

Here's my rubber band ball, the bands still in line for balling, and the nifty little barcode-sticker-shooter-outer.

There's ShamWow in the restroom! And it's made in Germany, so you know it's good. They make great stuff in Germany.

Next week, I'll be learning a different job, somewhere in the Circulation Department. Then I'll be rotating between here and there week by week. They call me a Floater, which brings up unpleasant CSI and Law & Order episodes, but it also gives me a great idea for a Halloween costume.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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