Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 349: Tricksy Google

Today I have compiled some tricks you can do with Google. Or maybe they're tricks Google does with you. Either way, it's neat. But you'll have to try each one to see what happens, because I'm not gonna ruin the fun.

Sit, Google, Sit. Enter the following search commands in Google and see what happens.
  1. do a barrel roll
  2. askew

A Bit of Geekery. Now try these.
  1. anagram
  2. recursion
  3. Copy the following equation into a Google search: (sqrt(cos(x))*cos(200 x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(9-x^2), -sqrt(9-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5

Do You Feel Lucky? For each of the following search strings, click on "I'm Feeling Lucky" (most of these work best with the Chrome browser, which is free and awesome, by the way.) Play around with each, moving your mouse and clicking and such.
  1. google gravity
  2. google sphere 
  3. find chuck norris
  4. google pacman
  5. google guitar
  6. google epic
  7. who's the cutest person in the world?

Many Ways to Skin a Google. Here are more "I'm Feeling Lucky" goodies.
  1. google klingon
  2. google pig latin
  3. google pirate
  4. google rainbow

There are probably many more, especially in that last category, but this is enough for anyone. At least, anyone with the low expectations set by reading this blog.

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